maxTickNumber and minTickNumber


Hi, i was trying to just code a simple function that shows on screen as a comment the following info:

1- current spreed

2-tick count in the last 60 minutes

3-max tick count for last 60 minutes

4-minimum tick count for last 60 minutes 

However, i think it is not working properly. I see that i am missing some coding principal here but i do not know which.

On global variables:
int maxTickCount= 0;
int minTickCount=0;

 On Tick()

void OnTick()
  {         // here i just want to show the spreed, tick number in the last 60 mintues, max tick number and min tick number
 int tickcount = iVolume("USDEUR",PERIOD_M1,0);
 double brokerSpreed = (Ask -Bid)*10000;
 double normbrokerSpreed = NormalizeDouble (brokerSpreed,2);
 int totTickCount;
 for(int i=59;i>=0;i--)
 { totTickCount=totTickCount+Volume[i];

   if ( totTickCount > maxTickCount) maxTickCount = totTickCount;
   if ( totTickCount < maxTickCount) minTickCount = totTickCount;
   totTickCount = totTickCount;  
 Comment ( "Current spreed " + normbrokerSpreed + "\n" + 
           "Tick Count in last Hour is " + totTickCount     + "\n" +
           "max Tick Count in last Hour is " + maxTickCount     + "\n" +
           "min Tick Count in last Hour is " + minTickCount     + "\n" );

 The result is 



You need to check the values in the (predefined) Volume array for highest and lowest value instead of assigning totTickCount value as soon as it is bigger than maxTickCount (think again what happens when your code is run, step by step)!

Use and iVolume[shift] with the iHighest shift for maxTickCount.

This expression is useless: totTickCount = totTickCount;