How to select order with highest price?


Please tell me how to select order opened with highest price



Open orders?

Closed orders?

Opening price


Have 2 variables, one to store the ticket number

The other to store the price, initialised at 0 

Loop through the relevant orders

Check if price is higher than the price variable and if it is, store the ticket number in the ticket variable 


Open orders?

Closed orders?

Opening price? 


Have 2 variables, one to store the ticket number

The other to store the price, initialised at 0 

Loop through the relevant orders

Check if price is higher than the price variable and if it is, store the ticket number in the ticket variable 

Thanks man I made it

Check if price is higher than the price variable and if it is, store the ticket number in the ticket variable 

 Glad that you got it sorted.

I should have said 

 Check if price is higher than the price variable and if it is, store the ticket number in the ticket variable and the price in the price variable

 so that each pass through the loop it will be checking against the highest so far