"wrong parameters count" with dependent classes



In an effort to simplify the problem I am having,  I have included two classe sin foo.mqh and bar.mqh

When I compile them, I get:

'bar' - wrong parameters count foo.mqh Line 20 Column 9

which is this line in foo.mqh:

foobar(bar  & b) { example = b;} 

I have read up on other posts that deal with this error, but they don't seem to be object oriented and I can't  correllate those instances with this one. 

Is it that bar has a default value? .... because of the constructor? Actually that is probably not it because if I put them in the same file I get the same error.

Is there anyway to get around this?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks 

#property copyright "Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property strict

class bar{
      int b;
      int u;
      int g;
      bar * operator=(const bar & example)
         b = example.b;
         u = example.u;
         g = example.u;
         return  GetPointer(this);
      bar(bar & example)
         b = example.b;
         u = example.u;
         g = example.u;




#property copyright "Copyright 2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property strict


class foo {

class foobar: public foo {
        bar example;
        foobar(bar  & b) { example = b;}
        bar getExample() { return example; }
bar.mqh  1 kb
foo.mqh  1 kb
In constructors you should get in the habit of using initialization lists, rather than creating sub-objects and then assigning to them.
      bar(bar & example)
 // at this point b,u,g have already been constructed.
         b = example.b;
         u = example.u;
         g = example.u;
      bar(bar & example)
       : b(example.b),
       foobar(bar  & b) { 
        // at this point bar example needs to be constructed.
        // but all constructors require an argument.
        // Thus misleading "wrong parameters count"
        example = b;}
      foobar(bar  & b)
           : example(b) { }