bar size and wick size in one condition


I'll try to combine min bar size and max wick size in one condtion but it wont work, each condition working only seperated ...

How to use it both together like below?

bool BuyBarSize=false;
if (Close[1] > Open[1] && (High[1]-Low[1]) >= MinPipSize*point && (Open[1]-Low[1]) <= MaxWickSize*point) BuyBarSize=true;

OK, forgot to sya that I use the HeikinAshi Indicator ... condition above should work

I guess it is a wrong buffer or not working with HA candles


You don't tell us what is the value of





Which makes it difficult to offer suggestions

Write in your code to print out the result of the calculations in your code and it will probably be obvious to you. 


OK, forgot to sya that I use the HeikinAshi Indicator ... condition above should work

I guess it is a wrong buffer or not working with HA candles

I didn't see this before I replied.

Nowhere in your code do you work with HA candles 


yes, I use HA candles, the above code is working also with point and Min/Max Sizes

I need to check my buffers again ...

but strange because the sell condition is working:

bool CandleSizeSell=false;

// candle size
double SellBarSize = (HA1high-HA1low);
// body size
double SellBodySize = (HA1open-HA1close);
// upper wick
double SellUpWick = (HA1high-HA1open);
// open candle upper wick
double SellOpenUpWick = (HA0high-HA0open);

if (SellBarSize >= MinPipSize*point && SellUpWick <= MaxWickSize * point && SellBodySize >= MinBodySize * point && SellOpenUpWick <= MaxWickSize*point) CandleSizeSell=true;

There is no relationship between the first code that you posted and the second.

Also you haven't addressed my post

You don't tell us what is the value of





Now you have added in more variables that we don't have a clue what the values are or how you calculated them 


sorry, here they are:

extern int     MinPipSize              = 20;
extern int     MinBodySize             = 15;
extern int     MaxWickSize             = 3;

int  unused_00;

   if (gi_288) unused_00 = 0;
   else unused_00 = 1;
   if (Point == 0.00001) point = 0.0001;
   else {
      if (Point == 0.001) point = 0.01;
      else point = Point;
   return (0);
if (gi_288) unused_00 = 0;

 Looks like you are trying to modify de-compiled code.

I doubt that anyone will help you here 

no, I do not use or modify decompiled code
no, I do not use or modify decompiled code

I fear yes.

What the meaning of this variable ?


I found that function by google because I thought I did something wrong ... I do not use decompiled software!

but I guess I'm doing something wrong w/ calling the HA

   double Buy1low=iCustom(NULL,0,"Heiken Ashi",0,1); // Low
   double Buy1high=iCustom(NULL,0,"Heiken Ashi",1,1); // High
   double Buy1open=iCustom(NULL,0,"Heiken Ashi",2,1); // Open
   double Buy1close=iCustom(NULL,0,"Heiken Ashi",3,1); // Close
