DDE MT4 Excel calculation issue - value error


Hello everyone


I have some issue with DDE excel spreadsheet. I can't to use the data from table to any calculation. For example, I would like to calculate pip value for USDCHF. So, I use this formula: 10/value of USDCHF. But the result is #VALUE. Is there any solution?


Thank you! 

Yes. Try widening the column.

Thank you, but this is not this type of problem.


Post the formula of a cell in Excel that should receive quotes.

It cannot not be =10/value!

Yes, I know. The formula is simple: =10/C3 , where C3 is value of USDCHF. I think the problem is data type, but I don't know how to adjust. It could be a number.

LOL ... It is a number in digits. If you can figure out what is C3 ... presto.

Remember.. calculation always involve with numbers. C3 is not a number.


I think you don't understand me. C3 (cell) => ='MT4'|BID!USDCHF => value.


The problem is that I can't to use this value for any calculation. The result is #VALUE!  

Please forgive me when giving little information so that people could answer (very) wrongly (or stupidly).

1) The terminal Help (F1->Search DDE) shows the Excelformula: =MT4|BID!USDCHF   (WITHOUT '' !!)

2) LibreOffice (openOffice)? requires:   =DDE("MT4";"BID";"USDCHF")

3) Have you enabled Terminal -> Tools -> Options -> Server -> Enabled DDE Server?

4) Your spreadsheet allows being updated 'from outside'?

5) You spread-sheet is USA (dec.-point) or EUR (dec.-comma)?

I bet one of it (or all). Common newbie mistake.
1) The terminal Help (F1->Search DDE) shows the Excelformula: =MT4|BID!USDCHF   (WITHOUT '' !!) - I can't to set Excelformula without ''. Excel will not let me. How to do it?