Pumping, MT4 Manager API


Hello everybody,

Please give me some ideas ...

I have used PumpingSwitchEx function for pumping initialization. But after some time the pumping was stoped. Next try give the error: Connection lost. How I can re-initialize pumping and reconnect to the server again?

After stoping function "Connect" give Access Violation, "Release" take a very-very long time (I never saw end).


So, any ideas?

Thank you foc ooperation.


I have no idea what the "PumpingSwitchEx function for pumping initialization" is or does.

You have to provide the code then may be s.o. can help somehow.


Pumping, MT4 Manager API

This is a user forum. If you're talking about broker side, contact MetaQuotes.

Pumping, MT4 Manager API

This is a user forum. If you're talking about broker side, contact MetaQuotes.

Thank you for your reply. I already contacted MetaQuotes but they keep silence. Unfortunately I haven't access to "support portal" now.


Vitaly Soltysyak:
hi, you have to reconnect to the server within 3min.