need help to make a Stats indicator


Is there anyone who will help me with making an indicator to show me the account stats in the chart window?

I need an indicator that can show the following things:

Margin level percent:
Drawdown: 100 / ((free margin / balance) x 100)
Free Margin:
Account Balance:
Total sell lots:
Total buy lots:
Current Pair Sell Lots:
Current Pair Buy Lots:

Maybee also a feature to show how much lots I should have in overweight in one direction to cover the daily costs of the open trades (I don't know if this is possible)

The indicator must be placed in the bottom left corner of the chart, and must have a background where the color can be changed.

I need the indicator in MQL4 format. So that I can adjust it if necessary.
The indicator must work with version 735 of MT4 client

I hope that someone will be able to help me out here.

Well you have to try it yourself: take an existing indicator and change it as you needed or look at the top of this page Freelance
Webzone: help me with making an ...
You have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.
Ok I will hire a programmer then.
or you google there is a lot for free..