Need help to customize Autofibo indicator!

I want to make changes to the attached indicator, but I have zero coding skills .... so, basically I always do such things with an trial-error approach ... I tried hard the last days, but all I managed to do, is to break the code ... so I am really stuck now ...

What I want to have:

#1 most important: I want to have more instances of this indicator with different zz settings on one chart ... atm only the last dropped shows ...

#2 'externalized' fibo settings, so that I can change which levels to show ...

(actually for the two things above it seems that I found possible solutions/workarounds ... for #2 I just edited the .mq4 file ... but as said above, I am not sure, if I didn't break something ...)

But the 'cosmetic' changes I wanted to do, seem simply impossible for me:

#3:  I want the description of the fibo lines WITHOUT the price ... so instead of e.g. "61,8 - 1.29027" there should be only "61.8"

#4: I want to have a possibility to define the position of the fibo labels (like left/middle/right), so that I can offset the labels to be still readable, when I use two or more instances and the lines match

#5: atm, when the visibility for the zz is turned off, the base line from which the fibos are drawn still shows ... it would be nice to have it without a line/ not visible ...

#6: atm the fibo lines are drawn from fibo start point to the last candle ... it would be perfect to have an option(!) to show the lines only 'in the future', so from right of the last candle to right edge of window ... or even better it would be, if the lines would only be visible for the last 5 (or whatever) candles ... not sure if that's do-able though ...

I hope, I could explain it well enough ... and I hope that someone can help me here

Many TIA

PS: Please, keep in mind that I have no idea how much work that is ... so no offense meant, if I ask here for free advice, worth of 20 work hours of a skilled coder
mbma: I want to make changes to the attached indicator, but I have zerocoding skills ...
You have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.
You have only three choices: Search for it,learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.

Hmm ... about the choices ... #1 I tried ... #2 is rather an arrogant suggestion ... and in regards of #3 I hoped to get an offer in return, if my wishlist means a lot work 

Maybe you got that wrong, but it is not my intention to get loads of work for free ... however, if it would have been only a task of 10-20 minutes to look at the code, I indeed hoped for free support ... as I do the same in my field of profession ...

But never mind ...