DLL Access to AccountNumber()


can I DLL retrieve AccountNumber so it's use can be restricted?

You can just code so that it only access specific account number. No need to use dll.

ok thank you.

what I meant was if I code the dll to only work with account 12345 can the dll access this in some way?


ok thank you.

what I meant was if I code the dll to only work with account 12345 can the dll access this in some way?

I am interested in this also.
dalai: what I meant was if I code the dll to only work with account 12345 can the dll access this in some way?
Dll's can't access anything. If they need something, then that must be passed to them by the mql4 code.
Dll's can't trade. If they want to, then they must return the request to the mql4 code to have it done for them.