Why doesn't the search box work any more?

Hi when you search for a function like for example DoubleToStr or DoubleToStr() it no longer returns links to the documentation nor book. What's up!

I have the same problem and wondering why you haven't got any reply so far. So pls advice, is there an technical issue?


I have the same problem and wondering why you haven't got any reply so far. So pls advice, is there an technical issue?


Ever since they updated the documentation when the new mt4 came is when it became like this. Its like they forgot to index the new pages for the search engine after removing the old data. Its been like this for long I didn't raise it earlier because I thought it would be temporary but then several months later it hasn't been rectified.

Ever since they updated the documentation when the new mt4 came is when it became like this. Its like they forgot to index the new pages for the search engine after removing the old data. Its been like this for long I didn't raise it earlier because I thought it would be temporary but then several months later it hasn't been rectified.
I think you know how to report this issue to Metaquotes.
There is no mql4 service desk. Iv'e reported in mql5 service desk. But doesn't metaquotes test things when they make changes? Every time its me that has to discover bugs.

Yeah...I've also had issues with the search box.  Particularly, it's difficult to search by author.

I just tried searching for myself and the search box says "Your search did not match any documents", even though I've made many comments. 

There is no mql4 service desk. Iv'e reported in mql5 service desk. But doesn't metaquotes test things when they make changes? Every time its me that has to discover bugs.
Are you talking about the search box in the terminal or the search box here on the forum ?
Are you talking about the search box in the terminal or the search box here on the forum ?

Is this post in terminal or forum?

What kind of asinine response is that. Sometimes when I read your posts I wonder if you are even an adult.

I got news for you Tonny. This forum was never intended to be a platform for holding discussions about forum features, that is why it is not called forum features dot com. It is for discussing MT4 and MQL4. Those with intelligence would already realize this and if they have a question about something other than the MT4 or MQL4  they would make it clear exactly what they are talking about especially when the question is about something that is also a feature to the MT4 terminal and the MQL4 editor. The only reason I did not presume you would realize that and asked you to clarify is because I was making allowances for you.

Please calm down.
Well really. It is aggravating when you ask a reasonable question and someone who is too dense to understand why the question is reasonable responds with sarcasm.