Redrawing custom inidicator


Hi Guys,

I am working on an indicator which performs most of it's work in a background thread, using OnTimer to fetch and update the indicator..

The trouble I'm having, is that the indicator does not update until the chart is moved (eg. scroll left/right, tick, zoom etc..). I have tried sending WM_PAINT to the HWND of the chart, but it doesn't seem to have any effect...

Any ideas?



OnTimer doesn't depend on a tick or anything else

show the relevant code in case you need help


Obviously, I have no idea what your indicator does or what it draws.

Have you tried using ChartRedraw() ?


Hey guys,

gjol: Yea I know - my indicator runs in it's own thread, and takes too long to generate data, so I poll it with OnTimer.

GumRai: That did the job perfectly - thanks so much!


Hey guys,

GumRai: That did the job perfectly - thanks so much!

Your welcome :)

I just hope that you didn't waste hours searching through the code, like I did, before learning this