Function loadXmlFromUrl() example



i have find a example at wich allows to load a website with MetaTrader and this example is from MQL5 and should work also in the new MT4 build.

But i am currently not enough experienced to make a simple working example, because the MQL5 language is still to new for me and wanted to ask here if somebody can show a simple example how to get a website back into a string.

Currently i have include the libaries into my program like this:

//| Includes                                                         |
#include <EasyXML\EasyXml.mqh>

Till there i have make everithink right and now there is the function/class loadXmlFromUrl(), and i have currently no idea how to use this, because its very different from old mql4, if somebody can make a example how to load a website into a string, that would be helpfull to understand it.

At the website from that script they have this example:

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   // Create instance of class CEasyXml
   CEasyXml EasyXmlDocument;

   // Optional debugging

   // Set Url Cache File

   // Method 1: Load XML from URL

   // Clear the DOM

   // Method 2: Load XML from string
   if(EasyXmlDocument.loadXmlFromString("<root><child attr='value'>content</child><sibling>siblingcontent</sibling></root>"))

   // Clear the DOM

   // Method 3: Load XML from file

But i just want to know how it must be make to load a website into a string, the other thinks from that example i dont need. Thanks for any help.