How do I create a Simple pushnotification alert on the indicator below?


I would like it to say this:

Currency, Buy/Sell, Signal expiry time (the indicator is based on an hourly chart so it should just say xx:00 - depending on the time I get a signal. Let sat it's 11:00 when I get the signal on a close candle, then the expiry time should be 12:00).

Hope anyone have to time to help.

It should be an easy task for anyone who know how to do this.


I would like it to say this:

Currency, Buy/Sell, Signal expiry time (the indicator is based on an hourly chart so it should just say xx:00 - depending on the time I get a signal. Let sat it's 11:00 when I get the signal on a close candle, then the expiry time should be 12:00).

Hope anyone have to time to help.

It should be an easy task for anyone who know how to do this.

---Starting here-----


Please use the SRC button to post code . . .
//|                                                     Beginner.mq4 |
//|                                                 Copyright © 2007 |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Heaven"
#property link      ""
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Blue
#property indicator_color2 Red
#define  SH_BUY   1
#define  SH_SELL  -1
//---- Âõîäíûå ïàðàìåòðû
extern bool SoundON=true;
extern int     AllBars=0;//Äëÿ ñêîëüêè áàðîâ ñ÷èòàòü. 0 - äëÿ âñåõ.
extern int     Otstup=30;//Îòñòóï.
extern double  Per=9;//Ïåðèîä.
int            SH,NB,i,UD;
double         R,SHMax,SHMin;
double         BufD[];
double         BufU[];
int flagval1=0;
int flagval2=0;
//| Ôóíêöèÿ èíèöèàëèçàöèè                                            |
int init()
   // NB çàïèñûâàåì êîëè÷åñòâî áàðîâ äëÿ êîòîðûõ ñ÷èòàåì èíäèêàòîð
   if (Bars<AllBars+Per || AllBars==0) NB=Bars-Per; else NB=AllBars;
   SetIndexDrawBegin(0,Bars-NB);//Èíäèêàòîð áóäåòîòîáðàæàòüñÿ òîëüêî äëÿ NB áàðîâ
   ArrayInitialize(BufD,0.0);//Çàáü¸ì îáà áóôåðà íîëèêàìè. Èíà÷å áóäåò ìóñîð ïðè ñìåíå òàéìôðåéìà.
//| Ôóíêöèÿ äåèíèöèàëèçàöèè                                          |
int deinit()
//| Ñîáñíà èíäèêàòîð                                                 |
int start()
   int CB=IndicatorCounted();
   if(CB<0) return(-1); else if(NB>Bars-CB) NB=Bars-CB;
   for(SH=1;SH<NB;SH++)//Ïðî÷¸ñûâàåì ãðàôèê îò 1 äî NB
      for(R=0,i=SH;i<SH+10;i++) {R+=(10+SH-i)*(High[i]-Low[i]);}      R/=55;
      if (Close[SH]<SHMin+(SHMax-SHMin)*Otstup/100 && UD!=SH_SELL)
         // Pop an Alert
         if (SH==1 && flagval1==0)
            if (SoundON) Alert("BUY signal at Ask=",Ask,"\n Bid=",Bid,"\n Time=",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime()),"\n Symbol=",Symbol()," Period=",Period());
         BufU[SH]=Low[SH]-R*0.5; UD=SH_SELL;
      if (Close[SH]>SHMax-(SHMax-SHMin)*Otstup/100 && UD!=SH_BUY)
         // pop an Alert
         if (SH==1 && flagval2==0)
            if (SoundON) Alert("SELL signal at Ask=",Ask,"\n Bid=",Bid,"\n Date=",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime()),"\n Symbol=",Symbol()," Period=",Period());
         BufD[SH]=High[SH]+R*0.5; UD=SH_BUY;
Sorry here you go.
Sorry here you go.
You could have just edited your first post . . .

Again sorry, I'm not that familiar with the editor here.

Do you know how to help me?


Again sorry, I'm not that familiar with the editor here.

Do you know how to help me?


That I figured as well however I'm not sure how to implement that functionality.

I tried to add SendNotification instead of the Alert function. That did not work.

You could have just edited your first post . . .


That I figured as well however I'm not sure how to implement that functionality.

I tried to add SendNotification instead of the Alert function. That did not work.

Show what you have tried . . .

I would like it to say this:

Currency, Buy/Sell, Signal expiry time (the indicator is based on an hourly chart so it should just say xx:00 - depending on the time I get a signal. Let sat it's 11:00 when I get the signal on a close candle, then the expiry time should be 12:00).

Hope anyone have to time to help.

It should be an easy task for anyone who know how to do this.

if (ur condition) SendNotification(ur string message);

is it so hard ?