various time-shifts


I was working to set up the various time-shifts when I realize that - and it's my question - all the market sessions start at 8h and end at 16h local time:

Tokyo 8 (GMT 23h +9h-TimeShift) .. 16 (GMT 7 +9h TimeShift)

New York 8h (GMT 13 -5h-TimeShift) .. 16 (GMT 16 -5h TimeShift)

Sidney 8h (GMT 21 +11h-TimeShift) .. 16 (GMT 05 +11h TimeShift)

London 8h (GMT 8 +0h-TimeShift) .. 16 (GMT 16 +0 TimeShift)

Is that correct - it makes things a lot easier :)


gooly: Is that correct - it makes things a lot easier :)
  1. Correct for NY, don't know about all the others. Easier, hardly!
  2. Mt5 has TimeGMT (a post says it doesn't work.) Mt4 doesn't have that (docs.) See my code for my implementation.
  3. My code handles NY DST both current and pre 2006 (for back testing.)
  4. You now have to do the same thing with each other country. Every country handles DST differently. (When I did mine, there was no MS DLL call available, IIRC Win8 might but then you've got a limitation.)

Sure its quite easy as this can be used for NY, London, Sidney and Tokyo (no DST!):

datetime tNY = TimeGMT() + NYShift + DST_USD;
if ( TimeDayOfWeek(tNY)>0 && TimeDayOfWeek(tNY)<6 && TimeHour(tNY) >=8 && TimeHour(tNY) < 16 ) return(true);

I think from GMT based on my pc which has the advantage that I get valid results even if the market is closed!

Thank you, I know your code but Do you have hist. data before 2007? If so would they be meaningful for today too or haven't the markete changed too much?

I have developed different derived from what I have found somewhere else.

You can check if you want. Four NY only one solution post 2006:

void timeshift(string zone, datetime t) // no coloring ???
        datetime spr, aut,
        int d, y = TimeYear(t);
        if ( zone == "EUR" ) {
        d = 31 - MathMod((4 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7); // The equation (in code) for March is:    
        spr = StrToTime(""+y+".03."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < spr ) {
                DST_EUR = 3600;
                nxtSwitch_EUR = spr;
        d = 31 - MathMod((1 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7);//The equation (in code) for October is:
        aut = StrToTime(""+y+".10."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < aut ) {
                DST_EUR = 0;// 0 sec
                nxtSwitch_EUR = aut;
        d = 31 - MathMod((4 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7); // The equation (in code) for March is:    
        spr = StrToTime(""+y+".03."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < spr ) {
                DST_EUR = 3600;
                nxtSwitch_EUR = spr;
        Print("ERROR for ",zone," @ ",TimeToStr(t)," DST: ",DST_EUR,"  nxtSwitch: ",TimeToStr(nxtSwitch_EUR),"  winter: ",TimeToStr(aut),"  spring: ",TimeToStr(spr));
        if ( zone == "USD" ) {
        d = 14 - MathMod((1 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7); // The equation (in code) for March is:    
        spr = StrToTime(""+y+".03."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < spr ) {
                DST_USD = 3600;
                nxtSwitch_USD = spr;
        d = 7 - MathMod((1 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7);//The equation (in code) for Nov. is:
        aut = StrToTime(""+y+".11."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < aut ) {
                DST_USD = 0;// 0 sec
                nxtSwitch_USD = aut;
        d = 14 - MathMod((1 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7); // The equation (in code) for March is:    
        spr = StrToTime(""+y+".03."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < spr ) {
                DST_USD = 3600;
                nxtSwitch_USD = spr;
        Print("ERROR for ",zone," @ ",TimeToStr(t)," DST: ",DST_USD,"  nxtSwitch: ",TimeToStr(nxtSwitch_USD),"  winter: ",TimeToStr(aut),"  spring: ",TimeToStr(spr));

        if ( zone == "AUD" ) {
        d = 7 - MathMod((4 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7); // The equation (in code) for Apr. is:     
        spr = StrToTime(""+y+".04."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < spr ) {
                DST_AUD = 0; // DST in Winter 
                nxtSwitch_AUD = spr;
                if(debug!=0)Print(zone,"-DST for ",TimeToStr(t)," DST: ",DST_AUD,"  nxtSwitch: ",TimeToStr(nxtSwitch_AUD));
        d = 7 - MathMod((5 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7);//The equation (in code) for October is:
        aut = StrToTime(""+y+".10."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < aut ) {
                DST_AUD = 3600;// 0 sec
                nxtSwitch_AUD = aut;
                if(debug!=0)Print(zone,"-DST for ",TimeToStr(t)," DST: ",DST_AUD,"  nxtSwitch: ",TimeToStr(nxtSwitch_AUD));
        d = 7 - MathMod((4 + MathFloor(5*y/4)), 7); // The equation (in code) for Apr. is:     
        spr = StrToTime(""+y+".04."+d+" 03:00");
        if ( t < spr ) {
                DST_AUD = 0; // DST in Winter 
                nxtSwitch_AUD = spr;
                if(debug!=0)Print(zone,"-DST for ",TimeToStr(t)," DST: ",DST_AUD,"  nxtSwitch: ",TimeToStr(nxtSwitch_AUD));
        Print("ERROR for ",zone," @ ",TimeToStr(t)," DST: ",DST_AUD,"  nxtSwitch: ",TimeToStr(nxtSwitch_AUD),"  winter: ",TimeToStr(aut),"  spring: ",TimeToStr(spr));
