Facing problem code intelligence new MQL4


I am facing problem with new MQL4 metaeditor.

code intelligence is not smart like old MQL4 metaeditor. In old version when i write three word like "Str" in old editor there show lot of code suggestion. but in new editor code suggestion not show much.

Here the image old MetaEditor:

and here New editor : only show two suggestion.

How can i improve like old editor.


I am facing problem with new MQL4 metaeditor.

code intelligence is not smart like old MQL4 metaeditor. In old version when i write three word like "Str" in old editor there show lot of code suggestion. but in new editor code suggestion not show much.

Here the image old MetaEditor:

and here New editor : only show two suggestion.

Yes, it looks much better . . .
Yes, it looks much better . . .

do u have any idea how can i get like old MetaEditor.
capilta: do u have any idea how can i get like old MetaEditor.
don't type the "r"?

do u have any idea how can i get like old MetaEditor.
Yes, use the old MetaEditor.
Yes, use the old MetaEditor.

This is not solution use old edition.

Playing devil's advocate (as original request didnt help their cause by describing something most would think is an improvement, as "not as smart" ) - but it looks like the real issue is the OP wants to see a list after typing fewer letters maybe?

Under Tools -> Options you can change 'List names after n letters' to 1?


Also the new editor doesnt show you the possibilities if the keyword starts with upper case and you typed it with a lower case. This was probably an oversight by MQ. The old intelligence was not case sensetive in that way. I had meant to bring this up during the beta testing but I forgot about it.

SDC: Also the new editor doesnt show you the possibilities if the keyword starts with upper case and you typed it with a lower case. This was probably an oversight by MQ. The old intelligence was not case sensetive in that way. I had meant to bring this up during the beta testing but I forgot about it.

It isn't an oversight ... the language is case sensitive ... and thats how meta-editor5 operates.

I don't like it either.


yes the language is case sensetive but I still think it would be more useful if the the intelligent list did not react to case until an upper case char is typed, it could show all the possibilities alphabetically of both upper and lower case just like the old one did.

SDC: yes the language is case sensetive but I still think it would be more useful if the the intelligent list did not react to case until an upper case char is typed, it could show all the possibilities alphabetically of both upper and lower case just like the old one did.
Yes. I would like that too.