iRSIonArray behaving very weird


Am using indicator buffer, which am not using for drawing graphs.

I observed that one the indicator buffer is given a value, it cannot be over written. So in a for-next loop, even if I try to change the value, it is not changing

Is there a way to force the indicator buffer to accept the new value in its cell and discard the old value?


Am using indicator buffer, which am not using for drawing graphs.

I observed that one the indicator buffer is given a value, it cannot be over written. So in a for-next loop, even if I try to change the value, it is not changing

Is there a way to force the indicator buffer to accept the new value in its cell and discard the old value?

Yes, change the value just as you would with any other variable.

Ok! I changed the heading because of the issue

I checked and saw that the buffer value is indeed changing. The culprit is iRSIonArray

even when the buffer values have changed, the iRSIonArray is giving me same values even when the array content has changed. How is that possible?

tahseen: How is that possible?
Because your code is BROKEN. There are no mind readers here - post your code.