Unique groups of numbers - page 2

Like throwing crooked dice. My function is simpler, more efficient and proven correct.
What I was looking for was something similar to generating lotto numbers. I got it working thanks with IShuttle function and mathsrand in start()

In lotto there are 13,983,816 combinations only with 6 numbers. I am working with over 5 numbers in optimization to find a winning strategy, not sure if Im going the right path here.

When you use 4 different numbers from 1-100 it goes pretty quickly in optimization, I would have thought it would scan a million times. Not sure how it does that.

I put those 4 different numbers combinations in array and then used shuffling with mathsrand to generate unique combinations so that I just have one extern int seed=1; to run in optimization. It looked like it went quicker.


In lotto there are 13,983,816 combinations only with 6 numbers. I am working with over 5 numbers in optimization to find a winning strategy, not sure if Im going the right path here. [...]

13,983,816 combinations must be a lottery which picks 6 numbers between 1 and 49. The closest, simplest MT4 equivalent to that is going to be an EA which has 6 extern parameters, and where you tell the optimizer to try every value between 1 and 49 for each parameter. (However, the optimizer doesn't know that the values are meant to be exclusive, and therefore it would try combinations such as 1-1-1-1-1-1 as well as 1-2-3-4-5-6, and 6-5-4-3-2-1 as well as 1-2-3-4-5-6, leading to a truly huge 49^6 = 13,841,287,201 combinations.)
Like throwing crooked dice. My function is simpler, more efficient and proven correct.

a crooked dice will show a significant difference between the outcome of the different numbers...

only in theorie you have a perfect dice and then also it makes a influence how you throw the dice

we don't mean crooked dices..... your coding is good William and it is fine to see different solutions

i learned

i was giving as example a function to show how you can get a random number from x to y

if you want it in theorie giving each number output same chance of outcome according to me it can be done like this

double MathRandRange(int startrange, int endrange)//x=10 y=20   (10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)  11 numbers

   int kk=MathRand();  //can have output   0....32767
   if(kk>=  32767 - 32767%((endrange-startrange)+1))   //(endrange-startrange)+1)   gives number of range  for 10 - 20  it is 11
       {    //32767 - remainder
       while(kk>=  32767 - 32767%((endrange-startrange)+1))  // avoid first number 0 is counted one time more  >=

   return(startrange+MathMod(kk,MathAbs(startrange-(endrange+1))));      //+startrange  is giving output lowest value startrange

for 11 numbers the remainder will be 0....10

if we put this off of the maximum from mathrand we have numbers with equal chance


In lotto there are 13,983,816 combinations only with 6 numbers. I am working with over 5 numbers in optimization to find a winning strategy, not sure if Im going the right path here.

When you use 4 different numbers from 1-100 it goes pretty quickly in optimization, I would have thought it would scan a million times. Not sure how it does that.

I put those 4 different numbers combinations in array and then used shuffling with mathsrand to generate unique combinations so that I just have one extern int seed=1; to run in optimization. It looked like it went quicker.

there are different lotto systems in the world

but if you have to choose 6 numbers in a range from 1 to 49

then you have 49 choices for first number

48 choices for second number to choose

number of possibillities in that case 49 * 48 * 47 * 46 * 45 * 44

it looks to me you're very lucky having the winning combination....


number of possibillities in that case 49 * 48 * 47 * 46 * 45 * 44

it looks to me you're very lucky having the winning combination....

[ Not strictly relevant, but 49 * 48 * 47 * 46 * 45 * 44 assumes that 6-5-4-3-2-1 is a different draw to 1-2-3-4-5-6. The actual number of different combinations in a 49-ball lottery is the total combinations divided by 6!, which = 13,983,816 as bonechair started off by saying. ]

[ Not strictly relevant, but 49 * 48 * 47 * 46 * 45 * 44 assumes that 6-5-4-3-2-1 is a different draw to 1-2-3-4-5-6. The actual number of different combinations in a 49-ball lottery is the total combinations divided by 6!, which = 13,983,816 as bonechair started off by saying. ]

you're right you can translate the strategy as if the lotto starts

the first number is a number you have chosen chance is 6/49

for second it makes 5/48 if first was right chosen

so chance of winning with 6 right numbers

(6*5*4*3*2*1)/(49 * 48 * 47 * 46 * 45 * 44)


49 numbers taken 6 at a time has 13983816 combinations Combinations and Permutations Calculator

If order is important it has 1.00683475e+10 permutations.


49 numbers taken 6 at a time has 13983816 combinations Combinations and Permutations Calculator

If order is important it has 1.00683475e+10 permutations.

Yup, that is indeed what we've already been saying. If the order is significant, then the number of permutations is 49! / 43! . If the order is not significant (typical lottery), then the number of combinations is 49! / (43! x 6!)