Help finding lost indicator!


Long ago I stumbled across an indicator - no idea where, or what its file name was. My computer died and I'm setting MT up from scratch on a new one - and I can't find the indicator anywhere!

Maybe someone can help. A long shot, yes, but web and forum searches give me nothing.

After being installed, it was called 'lg'. Just lg, in the drop down menu. It had what looked like 3 moving averages: a purple and a yellow crossing a white. What distinguished it visually is that it didn't show the actual chart of the price action: no candlesticks, etc. Just those three lines.

Like I said, long shot - but I know there are some big brains on these boards so I turn to you in desperation and plead for any help you can offer.

I'll be happy to share any other information you might think pertinent -

Thanks for any help -!

Install the old hard drive as secondary and retrieve?
Install the old hard drive as secondary and retrieve?

Thought I'd give community brain-picking a shot before cracking open the tower and risking the only computer I have left.