Color Candlestick Based On Range Criteria


Good day,

Does anybody know how to color a candle based on certain code criteria. In Tradestation the code I use is: Range > (AvgTrueRange(23) * 1.8)

Therefore, what is is doing is, if the range of the current candle is greater than the average true range of the past 23 candles by 1.8 times, make the candle pink (for example).

Thanks in advance.


Lots of people do. Did you RTFM? Did you write an indicator using histograms? You have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.

Good day,

Does anybody know how to color a candle based on certain code criteria. In Tradestation the code I use is: Range > (AvgTrueRange(23) * 1.8)

Therefore, what is is doing is, if the range of the current candle is greater than the average true range of the past 23 candles by 1.8 times, make the candle pink (for example).

You can't make the candle pink, you can paint over the top using Indicator buffers and a histogram or using Objects
You can't make the candle pink, you can paint over the top using Indicator buffers and a histogram or using Objects

That sounds good, making it pink is just a way to highlight it. Any sort of highlighting method would do. Do you know how to implement Indicator buffers a histogram or Objects with that code I mentioned earlier?

That sounds good, making it pink is just a way to highlight it. Any sort of highlighting method would do. Do you know how to implement Indicator buffers a histogram or Objects with that code I mentioned earlier?

Yes I do