Backtest only going back 2 days, but I have it set for 8 months??? Chart also shows only 2 days


I'm trying to run back test but it's only going back for two days, even though I have it set to go back almost a year. I'm using tick seting. It finished the test in about 1/2 of a second too.

any ideas?



I'm trying to run back test but it's only going back for two days, even though I have it set to go back almost a year. I'm using tick seting. It finished the test in about 1/2 of a second too.

any ideas?


F2 (history center) check your data might be the currency the test is going on has not a year data

F2 (history center) check your data might be the currency the test is going on has not a year data

hmmm, I'm doing the EURUSD, a very common currency pair and I"m sure it would have more than 2 days worth of data.

can you tell me where I go after I hit f2? Nothing in says "history center" so I'm not sure how to research this



F2 (history center) check your data might be the currency the test is going on has not a year data

I think your're correct, I believe I've found it under forex, EURUSD 1 Minute.

How do I get more data?

Update post: I think I figured it out . Thanks so much Dvries, you da man