Which is your favourite trend?

Which is your favourite trend. Bearish or bullish trend?
Which is your favourite trend. Bearish or bullish trend?
Ive got a thing with bullish trend because its going up while going down just seems weird.
Any trend that doesn't reverse as soon as I place my trade.
Any trend that doesn't reverse as soon as I place my trade.
Yes but putting profits aside dont up trends feel happier than down trends? Its human nature to relate downward movement to the negative while upward movement to the positive even though to a forex trader both are helpful.
Yes but putting profits aside dont up trends feel happier than down trends? Its human nature to relate downward movement to the negative while upward movement to the positive even though to a forex trader both are helpful.

Would you rather ride a bicycle uphill or downhill?

Would you rather ride a bicycle uphill or downhill?
Ha ha thats more physical in forex its more of psychological instincts that apply of which up is for stuff like aeroplane while down is for serpent, hell etc so automatically it seems happier for anything pointing up than down if you cycle downhill it could mean account balance going down ha ha