Mathematical formula indicator


Dear Forum,

I want to create an indicator which shows the value for each bar of a mathematical formula. There is something wrong as it's not being painted right. What it could be?

extern int     Bars2Compare      = 50;
extern string  MainPair          = "GBPUSD";
extern string  SecondPair        = "EURUSD";
extern int     TimeFrame         = 1;

double Buf_0[];

int init()
   SetIndexStyle (0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,2);

int start()
   int      i;
   int      Counted_bars;


    Buf_0[i] =  Math(MainPair,SecondPair,TimeFrame,i);


double Math(string MainPair, string SecondPair, int TF, int index)
      double VectorMain[500];
      double VectorSecond[500];
      double XperY[500];
      double XperY_Summatory;
      double First_Term;
      double Summatory_x;
      double Summatory_y;
      double Second_Term;
      double Summatory_x_3;
      double Summatory_y_3;
      double NperSumX_3;
      double Summatory_x_3_1;
      double Squared_Summatory_x_3_1;
      double Third_Term;
      double Summatory_x_4_1;      
      double Summatory_y_4;
      double NperSumY_4;
      double Summatory_y_4_1;
      double Squared_Summatory_y_4_1;      
      double Fourth_Term;
      double Result;
////////Calculate First Term----
      for(int i=1+index; i<=Bars2Compare+index; i++)
            VectorMain[i]   = iClose(MainPair,TF,i);
            VectorSecond[i] = iClose(SecondPair,TF,i);

      for(int j=1+index; j<=Bars2Compare+index; j++)
            XperY[j]   = VectorMain[j]*VectorSecond[j];
      for(int k=1+index; k<=Bars2Compare+index; k++)
            XperY_Summatory   = XperY_Summatory + XperY[k];
      First_Term = Bars2Compare * XperY_Summatory;
///////Calculate Second Term----
      for(k=1+index; k<=Bars2Compare+index; k++)
            Summatory_x   = Summatory_x + VectorMain[k];
      for(k=1+index; k<=Bars2Compare+index; k++)
            Summatory_y   = Summatory_y + VectorSecond[k];
      Second_Term = Summatory_x * Summatory_y;
      //Print("Second_Term= ",Second_Term);
///////Calculate Third Term----  
      for(k=1+index; k<=Bars2Compare+index; k++)
            Summatory_x_3   = Summatory_x_3 + (VectorMain[k]*VectorMain[k]);
      NperSumX_3 = Bars2Compare*Summatory_x_3;
      //Print("NperSumX_3= ",NperSumX_3);
      for(k=1+index; k<=Bars2Compare+index; k++)
            Summatory_x_3_1   = Summatory_x_3_1 + VectorMain[k];
      Squared_Summatory_x_3_1 = Summatory_x_3_1*Summatory_x_3_1;  
      Third_Term = NperSumX_3 - Squared_Summatory_x_3_1;
      //Print("Third_Term= ",Third_Term);
///////Calculate Fouth Term----

      for(k=1+index; k<=Bars2Compare+index; k++)
            Summatory_y_4   = Summatory_y_4 + (VectorSecond[k]*VectorSecond[k]);
      NperSumY_4 = Bars2Compare*Summatory_y_4;
      for(k=1+index; k<=Bars2Compare+index; k++)
            Summatory_y_4_1   = Summatory_y_4_1 + VectorSecond[k];
      Squared_Summatory_y_4_1 = Summatory_y_4_1*Summatory_y_4_1;  
      Fourth_Term = NperSumY_4 - Squared_Summatory_y_4_1; 
      //Print("Fourth_Term= ",Fourth_Term);
//////Final Calculation

      Result = (First_Term-Second_Term)/MathSqrt(Third_Term*Fourth_Term);

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Asked and answered TWICE ALREADY
No, this is other indicator much different. Not related.


   Buf_0[i] =  Math(MainPair,SecondPair,TimeFrame,i);
double Math(string MainPair, string SecondPair, int TF, int index){
      for(int i=1+index; i<=Bars2Compare+index; i++)
            VectorMain[i]   = iClose(MainPair,TF,i);
            VectorSecond[i] = iClose(SecondPair,TF,i);

in start() i is the current pair/current TF

in Math() index is the current pair/current TF. Therefor Math()'s i is ALSO current pair/current TF

iClose( other than current pair/TF, i) is BOGUS


Thanks for your patience. Is this the correct way? exactly the same problem, exactly the same solution...

    datetime   when0  = Time[i];
    int        iMain0 = iBarShift(MainPair,TimeFrame,when0);
    Buf_0[i] =  Math(MainPair,SecondPair,TimeFrame,iMain0);
double Math(string MainPair, string SecondPair, int TF, int  index){
      for(int i=1+index; i<=Bars2Compare+index; i++)

            datetime   when1  = Time[i];
            int        iMain1 = iBarShift(MainPair,TimeFrame,when1);
            int        iScnd1 = iBarShift(SecondPair,TimeFrame,when1); 
            VectorMain[i]   = iClose(MainPair,TF,iMain1);
            VectorSecond[i] = iClose(SecondPair,TF,iScnd1);
