Hi! is there a way to play a sound when every bar closes?


Hi !

I daytrade on 5-mins charts. I would love the programm to play a sound whn every bar closes to call my attention...

Thank you!

Yuri Dayananda


Hi !

I daytrade on 5-mins charts. I would love the programm to play a sound whn every bar closes to call my attention...

Thank you!

Yuri Dayananda

if (newbar())
  PlaySound("Bar is closed");
Search the forum/codebase for newbar() function.
It's quite easy I think. There's code for playing a sound ( PlaySound() ) and various ways to detect the start of a new bar
Hey guys thank you for your reply, that is very kind of you.. I am so new to this.. I even don´t know where to insert the code... I am trying here! Thanks a lot!