Script which upon execution, removes all scripts?


Hi guys, I swear I have seen this script lying about, many years ago. Now it comes to the point I need it, I can't find it! Been searching hard on posts that date back to 2005 the nearest I got was an unanswered request for a script which removed all active indicators!

It is as simple as, upon execution, it loops once to just send a signal to all charts to 'remove script', instead of having to locate the specific charts upon which scripts were loaded, then right-clicking, etc etc

Many thanks and happy trading

This will change the template of all charts in a profile.

By using a template with no indicators, it will do the job, I think


Ahh good thinking!

Unfortunately the problem here would lie in it would apply the chosen template to all charts, which is fine except I have them set up with the use of periodcon, i.e. the indicators are specific to the chart the are laid on..:/


Ahh good thinking!

Unfortunately the problem here would lie in it would apply the chosen template to all charts, which is fine except I have them set up with the use of periodcon, i.e. the indicators are specific to the chart the are laid on..:/


I thought that from your thread title that you wanted to remove all indicators/EAs from all charts..

I have no idea what periodcon is.


If you don't want the indicators on the chart, why did you add them?

If you manually add indicators to charts, remove them manually.

Trying to do that programmatically: "There be dragons there" Don't try. KISS

Sorry there seems to be some confusion. Say there are 20 charts, I then execute a script whichh skips charts for me, so I don't need to press hotkeys everytime. It is called autoswitch, I found it here. Now the way to stop this script looping is to locate the chart it was executed upon, and right click, remove script. I was hoping there was a script that could do this which I could then hotkey Gumrai's suggestion would work, if the charts were not formations of other timeframes, using the script named periodcon, which I also found here. Resetting the charts to a set template will then disable the offline charts I have running. Whroeder I am unsure where I asked for indicators to be automatically removed, I meant scripts only so apologies for the confusion
Great replying off my phone deleted all paragraph spacing!
Sorry there seems to be some confusion. Say there are 20 charts, I then execute a script whichh skips charts for me, so I don't need to press hotkeys everytime. It is called autoswitch, I found it here. Now the way to stop this script looping is to locate the chart it was executed upon, and right click, remove script. I was hoping there was a script that could do this which I could then hotkey Gumrai's suggestion would work, if the charts were not formations of other timeframes, using the script named periodcon, which I also found here. Resetting the charts to a set template will then disable the offline charts I have running. Whroeder I am unsure where I asked for indicators to be automatically removed, I meant scripts only so apologies for the confusion

I think there is confusion because when one thinks of scripts, one thinks that it is executed once and then automatically removed from the chart.

Also, a lot of people refer to indi and EA coding as scripts, so it is reasonable to assume that you were referrring to indis.

So, you have a script attached to some charts that will loop until it is removed from the chart?

Would it be possible for you to create a Global Variable and modify the script code to check and exit the loop when the GV has a certain value.

Then you could change the GV value using F3 and all scripts checking the GV would exit.

Hi Gumrai. Thanks for that...though I cannot code which may explain the noobish requests from me..I was just hoping there was a script already out there. So are you saying a GV could be added which causes the script to be removed from whatever chart it was executed on by pressing f3 on any chart?
Hi Gumrai. Thanks for that...though I cannot code which may explain the noobish requests from me..I was just hoping there was a script already out there. So are you saying a GV could be added which causes the script to be removed from whatever chart it was executed on by pressing f3 on any chart?

Not quite.

I am saying that if you are able to modify the script to check a GV, you could get it to exit if the GV is a certain value. To do this it would be necessary to have the source code of the script. If you only have the .exe file then I don't think it is possible

I see, and is this route easier than creating/using another script specific for this purpose? Fron what I recall the autoswitch script looks very small as far as the length of the coding goes. One minute let me dig it up