Simple Custom indicator - Horizontal Lines



I am looking for a custom indicator to be made . Should be really simple to do .

All I want is horizontal lines to be added at specific distances when I place a trade ( or place a line / indicator ) at a price point.

Once a price is shown, I want lines to appear at ZERO ( a given price) and horizontal lines to appear at +30 pips, + 60 pips AND -30 pips and - 60 pips .

Preferably I should be able to be delete one of the lines if needed( but not important) . Labelling is an advantage but not necessary

see attached

I know that this can be done manually as well as this is how I do it . Just makes it a bit easier and accurate to do with this indicator - if it exists or some one can knock it up

Many thanks guys



I am looking for a custom indicator to be made . Should be really simple to do .

If it's that simple show what you have done so far . . .

thank you Raptor UK for your comments even though not helpful the least.

I am no programmer, but I stick to my comments - I dont think it is difficult to knock this one up .

If nay one has any useful comments, they are welcome


thank you Raptor UK for your comments even though not helpful the least.

I am no programmer, but I stick to my comments - I dont think it is difficult to knock this one up .

If nay one has any useful comments, they are welcome

If you have no idea of how to code this Indicator how can you suggest it is simple or not difficult ?

If it's as trivial as you say then it should only cost you a few dollars, post your job here: MT4 Indicators on the cheap


WEll, I dont know to programme it.

What I do know is that it takes me 10 mins to get the lines up so if it going to cost me 100s of dollars, I might as well stick my old way of doing things.

Its vaule for money in relation to time- not the technical complexity I was talking about



WEll, I dont know to programme it.

What I do know is that it takes me 10 mins to get the lines up so if it going to cost me 100s of dollars, I might as well stick my old way of doing things.

Its vaule for money in relation to time- not the technical complexity I was talking about

Post your job, get some quotes . . . then you will actually know if it is simple or hard and how much it will cost . . . instead of guessing.

Thank you My lord for your kind opinion

But is that not what I have done, dear ? Posted the job and asking for quotes.

I am free to write what I want as to if it is easy or not . that is the buyers opinion. Need not be correct and people will knowledge on how to do the job may have their opinion.

If you are willing to take the work up, send a quote . If not - well, stop wasting time .


for any one requiring the same, I found this Quick Draw best.

I attach it here, FREE for any one to download.


Thank you My lord for your kind opinion

But is that not what I have done, dear ? Posted the job and asking for quotes.

I am free to write what I want as to if it is easy or not . that is the buyers opinion. Need not be correct and people will knowledge on how to do the job may have their opinion.

If you are willing to take the work up, send a quote . If not - well, stop wasting time .

There is an official place to post Jobs, look at the top of the page there is a link called . . . . Jobs