Not allowing trade



I need my EA stops to open trades if the last trade closed time is not > 10 min

I use 1 min chart graph.

So for example:

If the last long trade has been closed @ 10:30 so EA must not open long order before at least 10:40... but it could open short trade.

Please help



Use OrderCloseTime() to find the time last trade closed, then don't allow another trade until OrderCloseTime() +600

600 being the number of seconds in 10 minutes

Thank you... what is the code to call the mode history?
Thank you... what is the code to call the mode history?
OrderSelect() from the history pool ( MODE_HISTORY ), find the most recently closed order, then check it's close time.


This code doesn't print while I have closed 2 short trades with the EA???


       // Get the last order handled by the EA the last time it was used. The value
       // defaults to zero if the global variable does not yet exist.   

       string strGlobalVariableName = WindowExpertName() + "_" + Symbol() + "_LastOrderCount";
       int LastHistoryCount = GlobalVariableGet(strGlobalVariableName);

       // Scan the order list. Doesn't matter whether this is done from zero upwards,
       // or from OrdersHistoryTotal() downwards. 
       for(int e = LastHistoryCount ; e < OrdersHistoryTotal(); e++)
          OrderSelect(e, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY);
               if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() &&  OrderType () == OP_SELL && OrderMagicNumber() == magicalNumber) {
                   datetime Sell_OrderClosePrice = OrderCloseTime(); Print ( "Sell_OrderClosePrice ", OrderCloseTime() );
                   //   Alert("OrderPrice");
       // Store the last-order count in a global variable which persists across multiple uses of the EA
       GlobalVariableSet(strGlobalVariableName, OrdersHistoryTotal());


This code doesn't print while I have closed 2 short trades with the EA???

You aren't finding the most recently closed Order ? why aren't you checking all the closed Orders by starting your loop at 0 ? Sell_OrderClosePrice = OrderCloseTime() ?? Price == Time ?

Nothing is working:

Why is it so complicated to get the last close time trade???

datetime Sell_OrderCloseTime;
datetime BUY_OrderCloseTime;

for(int ii=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;ii>=0;ii--)
   //OrderSelect(ii, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY);
   OrderSelect(OrdersHistoryTotal()-1, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY);
   if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magicalNumber )
       if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) {BUY_OrderCloseTime=OrderCloseTime(); } Print ( "BUY_OrderCloseTime ", OrderCloseTime() );
       if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) {Sell_OrderCloseTime=OrderCloseTime(); } Print ( "Sell_OrderCloseTime ", OrderCloseTime() );
      // break; 

Nothing is working:

Why is it so complicated to get the last close time trade???

It's not.

Why are you using a loop, but checking the same trade every time?

You are using diffent values for ii, but selecting OrdersHistoryTotal()-1


That's because I'm noob.

Why Print is not working?


That's because I'm noob.

Why Print is not working?


 OrderSelect(OrdersHistoryTotal()-1, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY);



This should help towards writing your code to find the latest closed trade

datetime lastclosedtime =0;
int lastclosedticket;

for(int ii=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;ii>=0;ii--)
   if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magicalNumber )
      if(OrderCloseTime() > lastclosedtime)
        lastclosedtime = OrderCloseTime();
        lastclosedticket = OrderTicket();
      if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)  Print ( "BUY_OrderCloseTime ", lastclosedtime );
      if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) Print ( "Sell_OrderCloseTime ", lastclosedtime );

Thank you so much.

I have tested and closed some orders so for "Lastclosedtime" I get in memory the last buy or sell order closed time.

So if I check

Currenttime() - Lastclosedtime > 600

to allow long trade and the last order is short... it won't let me enter long before 10 min while maybe last long order was closed 3 hours ago?!

So do I need to create 2 variables:

  datetime Long_Lastclosedtime = 0;

  datetime Short_Lastclosedtime = 0;