4 day currency analysis using Symbol strenght



I created programm that analyze multiple currency pairs and store results in Excel file. The output format is like this: GBP;CHF;USD;EUR;JPY and from left to right strongest to weakest Symbol.

Now I want to somehow analyze that data and get information how often that one combination have been( I know how to do that) . But most important I want to see and count how often other combinations come out in next days.






1.day I have that combination, programm remembers it and go to next 3 days and count all combinations next on programm searches over all excel file for 1.days combination and again saves next 3 days combinations. After that It goes back to start but one day forward (2.day) and repeats all cycles.

Q:How can I actually move over days in such maner because only thing that I can get form Datetime is such numbers 1376265600 that stands for each day?

Q2:How can I achieve such thing that. I understand it is hard code because consists from masive cycle, but does somebody have other Ideas to achieve this ? I don't need full code I need some advice or tip to start with.

I added my source code, maybe it will help to provide some ideas :)

Thanks :)


Q:How can I actually move over days in such maner because only thing that I can get form Datetime is such numbers 1376265600 that stands for each day?

this is unix timestamp, time in seconds. substract 86400 to get the previous day.

(86400=60 sec * 60 min * 24 hour)


this is unix timestamp, time in seconds. substract 86400 to get the previous day.

(86400=60 sec * 60 min * 24 hour)

Wow, tnx it helps a lot :)

Do You have some ideas to second Q ? :