How can i capture that value? thank youto those willing to help.


Check comments : if bbmn is equalls to zero remember the immediate high if the same bbnm the same to ttre. thank yu all.

download question.mq4 check the comments(bottom) find bbnm there. thank you.

question.mq4  93 kb
Check comments : if bbmn is equalls to zero remember the immediate high if the same bbnm the same to ttre. thank yu all
Which comments ? what is bbmn ?
Which comments ? what is bbmn ?

sorry i didnt say. download question.mql4 compile and run. check source code check comments yu will see bbnm. thanks

sorry i didnt say. download question.mql4 compile and run. check source code check comments yu will see bbnm. thanks

Ah . . .

  Comment(Str,NL, tafa,NL,"->needed buy day =>>",hhjd,NL,"->needed sell day =>>",fccd,NL,tafa,NL,
  "->needed buy hour =>>",bbnm,NL,"->needed sell hour =>> ",ttre,NL,tafa,NL,"->position","!!==>",fgh,"<==!!",NL,tafa,NL,"(~o~)");} 

Ah . . .

yep... raptor solvable?
yep... raptor solvable?

LOL, I'm not going to spend time looking, sorry, your variable names are meaningless to me so I'm not going to spend the time trying to understand, sorry.
LOL, I'm not going to spend time looking, sorry, your variable names are meaningless to me so I'm not going to spend the time trying to understand, sorry.


oh man, you mean these tons of same lines with these variables?

  if(gj_1>gh_1){                      //Bar1 
   double vl_1=(gj_1-gh_1)*dc_1;}

use an array and a loop, you will have the same in a few lines:

double gj[120], gh[120], vl{120], dc[120];

for (int i=1;i<=120;i++)
  // same as: if (iClose(NULL,PERIOD_H1,i)>iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_H1,i))
  if(gj[i]>gh[i]){                      //Bar i
   double vl[i]=(gj[i]-gh[i])*dc[i];}

use the array size and loop (for) count you need, this is only an example. you can use the functions inside the loop instead of the tons of variables and lines.


oh man, you mean these tons of same lines with these variables?

use an array and a loop, you will have the same in a few lines:

use the array size and loop (for) count you need, this is only an example. you can use the functions inside the loop instead of the tons of variables and lines.

hahaha wow dude thanks. hey