Polyline suggestion



Is it possible to have the very useful Polyline code in a separate, self-contained library file? Because I've had issues getting the code to compile, it seems integrated into the trading functions of WHRea.mq4 but I just want to display the result from calls to iCustom, and when I try to compile the original WHRea code I get errors.

I do not find it easy to understand code written by others sometimes

Thank you

HarriMQL4: Is it possible to have the very useful Polyline code in a separate, self-contained library file? Because I've had issues getting the code to compile, it seems you can't code
It already is. In my post with updated polyline no where will you find PATT_NONE, openNow, etc. Polyline consists of ~4 functions. You took the entire original EA, not just the polyline code updated with the corrections posted later. You CAN NOT just take a semi-complete EA and just plop it in and expect it to work. You must understand the code.