Question about MarketInfo()?


Shall i use NULL instead of Currency name?

I tried as NULL instead of EURUSD,but results are "0"?

int    digits=MarketInfo("EURUSD",MODE_DIGITS);

Shall i use NULL instead of Currency name?

I tried as NULL instead of EURUSD,but results are "0"?

Why not use Digits instead of the MArketInfo() call ?
Why not use Digits instead of the MArketInfo() call ?

yes. agree with you.

Because the first parameter for MarketInfo is a string, and the second parameter is an integer of MarketInfo's identifier.

You must RTFM. The use of NULL,0 for current Pair/Current TF is allowed for some calls. Where in MarketInfo do you see that is allowed?
digits = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS);