Need help....Please


If i want to capture Bar1 (closeprice), Bar2 (closeprice), Bar3(closeprice), and Bar4 (closeprice),

how to write and what command suppose to use?

Somebody can help...Thank q

Close[x]...where x = 1,2,3,4.

i know your meaning, is use array function but can provide me more detail?


for(int x = 0;x<=3;x++)
 MyArrayClosePrices [x] = Close[x+1];
Something like that.

but it shown vriable not defined


somebody can help to provide full script for this?

i want to capture Bar1 (priceclose), Bar2 (pricelose), Bar3 (priceclose), bar 4(priceclose)

and compare BAR1> BAR2 && BAR3>BAR4 IF TRUE SEND order to buy.


but it shown vriable not defined

You need to declare the variable before you can use it, obviously you need to read the book: Book

but it shown vriable not defined

if this answer Close[x]...where x = 1,2,3,4. is not enough to your question

then we waste our time answer your questions.....

can't you define yourself ???

double Close_1,.....

somebody can help to provide full script for this?

i want to capture Bar1 (priceclose), Bar2 (pricelose), Bar3 (priceclose), bar 4(priceclose)

and compare BAR1> BAR2 && BAR3>BAR4 IF TRUE SEND order to buy.

Jobs good luck
Matin: somebody can help to provide full script for this?
Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.