Source code of http51.dll


I have seen here at many places refer http51.dll but where is it ? Where can I find the source code ? I tried surfing through the complete code-base but no luck.

Hopefully, someone can help.


I have seen here at many places refer http51.dll but where is it ? Where can I find the source code ? I tried surfing through the complete code-base but no luck.

Hopefully, someone can help.

5 second search with Google found this:
xcoder: http51.dll but where is it ?
Use this like this and you would have found this Took me a whole 15 seconds.

I have seen here at many places refer http51.dll but where is it ? Where can I find the source code ? I tried surfing through the complete code-base but no luck.

Hopefully, someone can help.

Do not double and triple post, not even across forums, this is your first and last warning. Next time you will receive a BAN.
Use this like this and you would have found this Took me a whole 15 seconds.

I have already gone through it, but it just contains the DLL, not the source-code of the DLL.

Please try downloading yourself and it'll just contain the DLL not the source-code.