Possible to display comment with big size font and colour on chart?



Is this possible to display the comment on chart with bold/big size font and different colour?

currently i used to display comments as normal. but i like to display header as bigger font with bold and ey-catch colour.

Please help me if there is any functions available to use?

currently i use:

    string temp = "SheriffOnline.com - Free MQL Code Service\nExecuted : " + Count + "\n"
    + "Spread: " + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD)/PipValue, 2)+ "\n"
    + "------------------------------------------------\n"
    + "\n"
    + "Account Name:     " + AccountName()+ "\n"
    + "Broker Name:     " + AccountCompany()+ "\n"
    + "Server Name:     " + AccountServer()+ "\n"
    + "Currency:     " + AccountCurrency()+ "\n"
    + "Account Leverage:     " + DoubleToStr(AccountLeverage(), 0)+ "\n"
    + "Account Balance:     " + DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 2)+ "\n"
    + "Account Equity:     " + DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 2)+ "\n"
    + "Free Margin:     " + DoubleToStr(AccountFreeMargin(), 2)+ "\n"
    + "Used Margin:     " + DoubleToStr(AccountMargin(), 2)+ "\n"
    + "Account Profit:     " + DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(), 2)+ "\n"
    + "------------------------------------------------\n";


Is this possible to display the comment on chart with bold/big size font and different colour?

currently i used to display comments as normal. but i like to display header as bigger font with bold and ey-catch colour.

Please help me if there is any functions available to use?

currently i use:

Change in Font ? No. Change in colour ? yes if you are happy to change the colour of the other chart elements that share the same colour, change the Foreground colour - F8

Alternatively use something like my CommentLab() function . . .



this is what what i want to code.

see the image.

i would like to display the comments with specified colours and like to display the icon image.

Please give me best idea to start coding for this colurful comment display.



this is what what i want to code.

see the image.

i would like to display the comments with specified colours and like to display the icon image.

Please give me best idea to start coding for this colurful comment display.

I did better than that, I gave you the code . . . did you click the link I gave ?
I did better than that, I gave you the code . . . did you click the link I gave ?

I try the code you have given,when i compile shows error.

2;116;67:20;'(' - function definition unexpected
2;75;88:9;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;89:22;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;90:19;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;91:19;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;92:19;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;93:23;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;93:63;'Status_Color' - variable not defined
2;73;97:1;'}' - unbalanced parentheses

void CommentLab(string CommentText)   
   string CommentLabel;
   int CommentIndex = 0;
   if (CommentText == "")
      //  delete all Comment texts
      while(ObjectFind(StringConcatenate("CommentLabel", CommentIndex )) >= 0)
         ObjectDelete(StringConcatenate("CommentLabel", CommentIndex ));
   while(ObjectFind(StringConcatenate("CommentLabel", CommentIndex )) >= 0)
   CommentLabel = StringConcatenate("CommentLabel", CommentIndex);  
   ObjectCreate(CommentLabel, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0 );
   ObjectSet(CommentLabel, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
   ObjectSet(CommentLabel, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
   ObjectSet(CommentLabel, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15 + (CommentIndex * 15) );
   ObjectSetText(CommentLabel, CommentText, 10, "Tahoma", Status_Color );   

I try the code you have given,when i compile shows error.

2;116;67:20;'(' - function definition unexpected
So fix your code. The problem is above the function definition.

I try the code you have given,when i compile shows error.

2;116;67:20;'(' - function definition unexpected
2;75;88:9;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;89:22;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;90:19;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;91:19;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;92:19;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;93:23;'CommentLabel' - variable not defined
2;75;93:63;'Status_Color' - variable not defined
2;73;97:1;'}' - unbalanced parentheses

Status_Color is a globally declared color, have you added it ?

CommentLabel is a locally declared variable inside the function . . .

To use the Function do it like this:

CommentLab("This is a comment . . .");

or like this

CommentLab( StringConcatenate( "Ask price is: ", DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) ) );
Simon Gniadkowski:

Status_Color is a globally declared color, have you added it ?

CommentLabel is a locally declared variable inside the function . . .

To use the Function do it like this:

or like this

the correct code is:

void CommentLab(string CommentText)  
   string CommentLabel;
   int CommentIndex = 0;
   if (CommentText == "")
      //  delete all Comment texts
      while(ObjectFind(0,StringConcatenate(CommentLabel,"CommentLabel", CommentIndex )) >= 0)
         ObjectDelete(0,StringConcatenate(CommentLabel,"CommentLabel", CommentIndex ));
   while(ObjectFind(0,StringConcatenate(CommentLabel,"CommentLabel", CommentIndex )) >= 0)
   CommentLabel = StringConcatenate(CommentLabel,"CommentLabel", CommentIndex); 

   ObjectCreate(0,CommentLabel, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0 );
   ObjectSetInteger(0,CommentLabel, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
   ObjectSetInteger(0,CommentLabel, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
   ObjectSetInteger(0,CommentLabel, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15 + (CommentIndex * 15) );
   ObjectSetInteger(0,CommentLabel, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrGoldenrod);  
//   ObjectSetInteger(0,CommentLabel, CommentText, 10, "Tahoma", Status_Color );  


Please use the </> button to insert your code.