Order of chart opening



what exactly determines the order, in which MT4 opens the charts specified in a profile?

Is it by the chart number in the profile (chart01.chr, chart02.chr, ...)?

And what is the meaning of the file order.wnd in the profile directory?


  1. why do you care? they are all opened when the profile is activated and all init()s are one.
  2. chart01 belongs to one chart, probably the order they were initially created. beyond that who knows.
  3. might link order of the tabs (right to left) to the charts (including deleted ones.) beyond that who knows.

1. I'm generating 2 levels of offline charts, with level 2 charts being generated from level 1 offline charts.

So if level 2 charts are opened before level 1 charts, they show garbage.

Additionally I'm using calculation-intensive indicators with the offline charts.

It takes MT4 ages to initially calculate these indicators, if the offline charts are already open while being updated.

So I need to make sure, that all the charts are being opened in the correct order.


mt4forum :

So if level 2 charts are opened before level 1 charts, they show garbage.

Additionally I'm using calculation-intensive indicators with the offline charts.

So I need to make sure, that all the charts are being opened in the correct order.

  1. and on the next update they will show correct
  2. fix the indicators or reduce max bars on chart
  3. can't be done.