help required compiling and making .mq4 file.

I have not used meta editor of MT4 for compiling and making .mq4 file.

I have a code which plots BB with deviation in decimal points. Pl. convert it to .mq4 file
-- The indicator corresponds to the Bollinger Bands indicator in MetaTrader.
-- The formula is described in the Kaufman "Trading Systems and Methods" chapter 5 "Trend System" (page 91-94)

-- Indicator profile initialization routine
-- Defines indicator profile properties and indicator parameters
function Init()
indicator:name("Bollinger Bands Decimal - Original");
indicatorescription("Original Bollinger Bands with Decimal Support");

indicator.parameters:addDouble("N", "Number of periods", "Number of periods", 20.0);
indicator.parameters:addDouble("Dev", "Number of standard deviations", "Number of standard deviations", 2.0);
indicator.parameters:addColor("clrBBP", "clrBBP", "clrBBP", core.rgb(255, 0, 0));
indicator.parameters:addColor("clrBBM", "clrBBM", "clrBBM", core.rgb(0, 255, 0));
indicator.parameters:addColor("clrBBA", "clrBBA", "clrBBA", core.rgb(0, 0, 255));

-- Indicator instance initialization routine
-- Processes indicator parameters and creates output streams
-- Parameters block
local N;
local D;

local firstPeriod;
local source = nil;

-- Streams block
local TL = nil;
local BL = nil;

-- Routine
function Prepare()
N = instance.parameters.N;
D = instance.parameters.Dev;
source = instance.source;
firstPeriod = source:first() + N - 1;

local name = "Bollinger Bands in Decimal (" .. N .. ", " .. D .. ")";

TL = instance:addStream("TL", core.Line, name .. ".TL", "TL", instance.parameters.clrBBP, firstPeriod)
BL = instance:addStream("BL", core.Line, name .. ".BL", "BL", instance.parameters.clrBBM, firstPeriod)
AL = instance:addStream("AL", core.Line, name .. ".AL", "AL", instance.parameters.clrBBA, firstPeriod)

-- Indicator calculation routine
function Update(period)
if period >= firstPeriod then
local p = core.rangeTo(period, N);
local ml = core.avg(source, p);
local d = core.stdev(source, p);

TL[period] = ml + D * d;
BL[period] = ml - D * d;
AL[period] = ml;

-- The indicator corresponds to the Bollinger Bands indicator in MetaTrader.
-- The formula is described in the Kaufman "Trading Systems and Methods" chapter 5 "Trend System" (page 91-94)

-- Indicator profile initialization routine
-- Defines indicator profile properties and indicator parameters
function Init()
indicator:name("Bollinger Bands Decimal - Original");
indicatorescription("Original Bollinger Bands with Decimal Support");

indicator.parameters:addDouble("N", "Number of periods", "Number of periods", 20.0);
indicator.parameters:addDouble("Dev", "Number of standard deviations", "Number of standard deviations", 2.0);
indicator.parameters:addColor("clrBBP", "clrBBP", "clrBBP", core.rgb(255, 0, 0));
indicator.parameters:addColor("clrBBM", "clrBBM", "clrBBM", core.rgb(0, 255, 0));
indicator.parameters:addColor("clrBBA", "clrBBA", "clrBBA", core.rgb(0, 0, 255));

-- Indicator instance initialization routine
-- Processes indicator parameters and creates output streams
-- Parameters block
local N;
local D;

local firstPeriod;
local source = nil;

-- Streams block
local TL = nil;
local BL = nil;

-- Routine
function Prepare()
N = instance.parameters.N;
D = instance.parameters.Dev;
source = instance.source;
firstPeriod = source:first() + N - 1;

local name = "Bollinger Bands in Decimal (" .. N .. ", " .. D .. ")";

TL = instance:addStream("TL", core.Line, name .. ".TL", "TL", instance.parameters.clrBBP, firstPeriod)
BL = instance:addStream("BL", core.Line, name .. ".BL", "BL", instance.parameters.clrBBM, firstPeriod)
AL = instance:addStream("AL", core.Line, name .. ".AL", "AL", instance.parameters.clrBBA, firstPeriod)

-- Indicator calculation routine
function Update(period)
if period >= firstPeriod then
local p = core.rangeTo(period, N);
local ml = core.avg(source, p);
local d = core.stdev(source, p);

TL[period] = ml + D * d;
BL[period] = ml - D * d;
AL[period] = ml;
I have not used meta editor of MT4 for compiling and making .mq4 file.

I have a code which plots BB with deviation in decimal points. Pl. convert it to .mq4 file
bharatk8: Pl. convert it to .mq4 file
Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.