How to load a central time by an EA - page 2

The GMT offset calculation is clear for me, just not what I'm looking for. If different machines / brokers have a few seconds variations in their timestamps, then my data will get messed up.. That's why I'm looking to get the time from one source into multiple machines.
Or see my code for auto adjusting offset.

 datetime    now = TimeGMT();

What is  TimeGMT()   ???

Never found this function in the book 

Looks like function is not defined .... 


What is  TimeGMT()   ???

Never found this function in the book 

Looks like function is not defined .... 

It's defined on the same page  . . .  it's not a standard function,  it's user defined.

datetime TimeGMT(datetime serverTime=0){            // Server time to GMT time.
    if (serverTime == 0)    serverTime = TimeCurrent();
    static datetime nextAutoUpdate;     if (serverTime >= nextAutoUpdate){
        nextAutoUpdate = serverTime + 7200;
        if (Srvr.To.UTC.Auto
        )if(IsDllsAllowed()){                               // Complained @ init
            int     srvrToUTC       = LocalTimeGMT() - TimeCurrent();
            double  nearestHalfHour = MathRound(srvrToUTC / 1800.);
            Srvr.To.UTC.Hours       = nearestHalfHour / 2.; // Update external
    }   }
    return (serverTime + Srvr.To.UTC.Hours*3600.);

It's defined on the same page  . . .  it's not a standard function,  it's user defined.

thanks looked in WHRea also  

//| GMT Time                                                         |
datetime TimeGMT(){ // TimeCurrent to GMT
    datetime    now = TimeCurrent();                // Under tester, TimeLocal
    if (Srvr.To.UTC.Auto && (!IsTesting()) )        // and TimeCurrent are equal
        Srvr.To.UTC.Hours = (LocalTimeGMT() - now +1800)/3600;
    return (now + Srvr.To.UTC.Hours*3600);
#import "kernel32.dll"
int  GetTimeZoneInformation(int& TZInfoArray[]);
datetime LocalTimeGMT(){    // TimeLocal to GMT
    int TZInfoArray[43];
    int tz  = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZInfoArray);      #define DAYLIGHT 2
    int GMTshift    = TZInfoArray[0];   /* GetTimeZoneInformation will return
                                         * the right Bias even when it returns
                                         * UNKNOWN==0 */
    if(tz == DAYLIGHT)  GMTshift+=TZInfoArray[42];
    return (TimeLocal() + GMTshift*60);

now clear where it comes from that the function was purple colored like TimeCurrent() made me think it was defined in the standard coding

deVries: function was purple colored like ...
Change to the forum. "purple" is unread.