Smoothing LRI question


Hi I am trying to use existing LRI code and add some smoothing to it, the problem is that the LRI is not drawn after smoothing Periods, I am using 3 in my IMAonArray, and it does not draw the LRI for last 3 bars as you can see in the picture, I will attach code here too.



#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 Yellow

#property indicator_color2 Green

#property indicator_color3 Red

extern int period=34;

extern int price=0;

extern int MAMethod = 3;

extern int Shift=0;

//---- buffers

double BufferGreen[];

double BufferYellow[];

double BufferRed[];

int limit, tmpBar, tmpTime, counted_bars, i, j,k, barsToProcess=5000, btp;

double tmp1[5000],tmp2[5000],tmp3[5000],tmp4[5000],tmp5[5000],tmp6[5000],tmp7[5000];


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |


int init() {

   int i;

   for (i=0;i<3;i++) {









   return(0); }//int init() 


int start() {


   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);

   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;


   btp = Bars;

   if(btp>barsToProcess) btp=barsToProcess;


      for (i = btp-1;i>=0;i--){







      for (i=0;i<btp;i++){




      for (i=0;i<btp;i++){





      for (i = btp-1;i>=0;i--){

         BufferGreen[i] =tmp3[i];


         BufferRed[i]   =tmp3[i];

         if (BufferYellow[i]>BufferYellow[i+1]){


         } else if (BufferYellow[i]<BufferYellow[i+1]){

            BufferGreen[i] =EMPTY_VALUE;

         } else {


            BufferGreen[i] =EMPTY_VALUE;








Please edit your post.
FxLogic: I am using 3 in my IMAonArray, and it does not draw the LRI for last 3 bars as you can see in the picture, I will attach code here too.

  1. Play video
    Please edit your post.
    For large amounts of code, attach it.

  2. No code attached.
  3.    for (i = btp-1;i>=0;i--){ tmp1[i]=iMA(Symbol(),0,period,0,MODE_SMA,price,i); ..
       for (i=0;i<btp;i++){      tmp5[i]=iMAOnArray(tmp4,btp,3,0,MAMethod,i);
    tmp1 - tmp4 only contain values for indexes [0 ..btp-1] So how do you compute imaOnArray(btp) for btp-1? You don't have that many values (for sma) you don't have 3.45btp values (for ema)