How to know if the Day is Saturday or Sunday


Hi everyone.


I've created a script that shows the record(OPEN,CLOSE,HIGH,LOW) 15 days before the present date. The problem is i dont know how to determine whether the dates falls saturday or sunday which means there is no market on that date...





Hi everyone.


I've created a script that shows the record(OPEN,CLOSE,HIGH,LOW) 15 days before the present date. The problem is i dont know how to determine whether the dates falls saturday or sunday which means there is no market on that date...

Get the datetime for the date you are interested in and check TimeDayOfWeek( datetime )  if it returns 6 or 0 it's Saturday or Sunday respectively.

tnx man....


and one more thing... How can i export data to excel file by cell. i mean, ive used FileWrite with the "\t" for tab to be able to place data on each cell but i have no success in doing it.