Hi all,

new to mt4, and not familiarised with the script interface, i have some questions and need help.

I need to record all securitiesNAME, BID and ASK from MARKETinfo() window or only CLOSED price for all securities in a CSV or TXT or XLS*  FILE, and this had to be done every minute.

Is there a way to do it and how can do it, every help welcome.This csv or txt or xls file will processed after in excel.

Thanks for your help.


Hi all,

new to mt4, and not familiarised with the script interface, i have some questions and need help.

I need to record all securitiesNAME, BID and ASK from MARKETinfo() window or only CLOSED price for all securities in a CSV or TXT or XLS*  FILE, and this had to be done every minute.

Is there a way to do it and how can do it, every help welcome.This csv or txt or xls file will processed after in excel.

You will probably find something similar in the Code Base


new to mt4, and not familiarised with the script interface, i have some questions and need help.

I need to ...

Is there a way to ...

It's called code. Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt and the nature of your problem.