Initialization string array


Hi guys,

in an EA i want to declare a extern string variable. If starting the EA i want to get the choice in the parameters of several strings.

For Example

extern string Letter = "A" or "B" or "C" or "D".....

I can't find the right syntax for this.


extern string Letter = "Enter_A_B_C_or_D"; Thats pretty much how its done. The default value reminds you of what to enter. Some people might create 2 extern strings. 1st displaying Choices and the 2nd for the input. Sorry there's no Radio_Button or Drop-down menus.

I thpugt there would be something like a drop done. For bool variables you can choice betwenn true and false and i like to have exact the some for the string variable with A, B, C or D
I thpugt there would be something like a drop done. For bool variables you can choice betwenn true and false and i like to have exact the some for the string variable with A, B, C or D
You can't,  it doesn't exist.
I thpugt there would be something like a drop done. For bool variables you can choice betwenn true and false and i like to have exact the some for the string variable with A, B, C or D
  1. Only bools, datetime, and colors have a drop down.
  2. extern string Valid_Letters = "Enter A, B, C, or D";
    extern string Letters="A";
    extern string Letters_A_B_C_or_D = "A";