Difference between Ea and Indicator



I am new to MT4 and MQL4. I tried to run an EA as an Indicator and I receive the message "2013.01.28 19:14:56 Expert 'AAAA' is not custom indicator and will be removed". My question is how can be distinguished in code between the two ? At the first look I see no difference in coding.... out of author's comment: "this is an indicator/expert advisor".

Thanks in advance! 

Do you see any of these?
You don't do you? Then it is NOT an indicator.
Do you see any of these?

The code is from documentation:

// newbar.mq4  
// Ïðåäíàçíà÷åí äëÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ â êà÷åñòâå ïðèìåðà â ó÷åáíèêå MQL4.
extern int Quant_Bars=15;                       // Êîëè÷åñòâî áàðîâ
bool New_Bar=false;                             // Ôëàã íîâîãî áàðà
int start()                                     // Ñïåö. ôóíêöèÿ start
   double Minimum,                              // Ìèíèìàëüíàÿ öåíà
          Maximum;                              // Ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ öåíà
   Fun_New_Bar();                               // Îáðàùåíèå ê ô-èè
   if (New_Bar==false)                          // Åñëè áàð íå íîâûé..
      return;                                   // ..òî óõîäèì
   int Ind_max =ArrayMaximum(High,Quant_Bars,1);// Èíäåêñ áàðà ìàêñ.ö. 
   int Ind_min =ArrayMinimum(Low, Quant_Bars,1);// Èíäåêñ áàðà ìèí. ö. 
   Maximum=High[Ind_max];                       // Èñêîìàÿ ìàêñ öåíà
   Minimum=Low[Ind_min];                        // Èñêîìàÿ ìèí. öåíà
   Alert("Çà ïîñëåäíèå ",Quant_Bars,            // Âûâîä íà ýêðàí  
   " áàðîâ Min= ",Minimum," Max= ",Maximum);
   return;                                      // Âûõîä èç start()
void Fun_New_Bar()                              // Ô-èÿ îáíàðóæåíèÿ ..
  {                                             // .. íîâîãî áàðà
   static datetime New_Time=0;                  // Âðåìÿ òåêóùåãî áàðà
   New_Bar=false;                               // Íîâîãî áàðà íåò
   if(New_Time!=Time[0])                        // Ñðàâíèâàåì âðåìÿ
      New_Time=Time[0];                         // Òåïåðü âðåìÿ òàêîå
      New_Bar=true;                             // Ïîéìàëñÿ íîâûé áàð