MetaQoutes Language editor problems


Hi Forum, hoping someone might help me understand how MetaEditor is set up after multiple installations, so I can fix a problem.

I have multiple MT4 installations on my PC and no matter which version of MT4 (different brokers) I have open,

when I launch MetaEditor, I experience a couple of annoying problems.

Predominantly if I cut and paste code, the MetaEditor locks up, and I have to exit and re-enter before I can do any more work.

THIS ONLY HAPPENS ON THIS ONE PC, but it is the main computer I work on.

SO TO FIX THIS! I am wondering......

Is there a version of MetaEditor associated with every MT4 installation?

Or a,  possibly opening up the same version of MetaEditor each time (without realising it)

Do I need to remove every installation of MT4 and do clean re installations to potentially fix this?

A little guidance would be greatly appreciated.

The more work I do with MT4 the more I am learning to code and enjoying it and consequently the more frustrating this issue is becoming!!!!

thanks in advance


Hi Forum, hoping someone might help me understand how MetaEditor is set up after multiple installations, so I can fix a problem.

I have multiple MT4 installations on my PC and no matter which version of MT4 (different brokers) I have open,

when I launch MetaEditor, I experience a couple of annoying problems.

Predominantly if I cut and paste code, the MetaEditor locks up, and I have to exit and re-enter before I can do any more work.

It's a well known issue,  use the search and you will find it.

Yes there is a MetaEditor for each installation of MT4. 


Try this:  open ME, open the file you wissh to work on,  keeping the file open in ME close ME down,  then re-open ME and it should open with your file in it,  try copy & paste now.  Let us know if this is a viable work around for you.


It's a well known issue,  use the search and you will find it.

Yes there is a MetaEditor for each installation of MT4. 


Try this:  open ME, open the file you wissh to work on,  keeping the file open in ME close ME down,  then re-open ME and it should open with your file in it,  try copy & paste now.  Let us know if this is a viable work around for you.

Thanks Raptor, your solution does work for me.

I also moved all MT4 installations out of C: Program Files (x86) as suggested in one of the Threads, but problem persists for now.

Interestingly the machine I have no problems on runs XP

Thanks as always !!


Thanks Raptor, your solution does work for me.

Thanks for the feedback :-)