question about indicator code-----(3 lines)


1.why the 2 marked  functions are in the deinit ?

 2.why 720 value on the marked line?


the code:


//|                                                DailyBreakout.mq4 |
//|                                   Copyright © 2008, Robert Hill. |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, Robert Hill"
#property link      "NONE"

#property indicator_chart_window
//---- input parameters
extern bool Alerts = false;
extern int  GMTshift = 0;
extern int LabelShift = 20;
extern int LineShift = 40;
extern string  pd = "PipsAboveBelowSR for Alert";
extern int PipDistance = 1;
extern color StandardFontColor = White;
extern int StandardFontSize = 8;
extern color SupportColor = Red;
extern color ResistanceColor = Lime;

datetime LabelShiftTime, LineShiftTime;

double yesterday_high=0;
double yesterday_low=0;
double LastHigh,LastLow,x;
double R1=0;
double S1=0;
bool firstS1=true;
bool firstR1=true;
double myPoint;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
     myPoint = SetPoint(Symbol());
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//---- TODO: add your code here
ObjectDelete("R1 Label"); 
ObjectDelete("R1 Line");
ObjectDelete("S1 Label");
ObjectDelete("S1 Line");


double SetPoint(string mySymbol)//  <<<<<<<-----why here on the  deinit?????----------------
   double mPoint, myDigits;
   myDigits = MarketInfo (mySymbol, MODE_DIGITS);
   if (myDigits < 4)
      mPoint = 0.01;
      mPoint = 0.0001;

int DoAlerts()//<<<<<<<<<-------why here on the deint??????-----------------
   double DifAboveR1,PipsLimit;
   double DifBelowS1;

   DifBelowS1 = S1 - Close[0];
   DifAboveR1 = Close[0] - R1;
   PipsLimit = PipDistance * myPoint;
   if (DifBelowS1 > PipsLimit) firstS1 = true;
   if (DifBelowS1 <= PipsLimit && DifBelowS1 > 0)
    if (firstS1)
      Alert("Below S1 Line by ",DifBelowS1, " for ", Symbol(),"-",Period());

   if (DifAboveR1 > PipsLimit) firstR1 = true;
   if (DifAboveR1 <= PipsLimit && DifAboveR1 > 0)
    if (firstR1)
      Alert("Above R1 Line by ",DifAboveR1," for ", Symbol(),"-",Period());

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
//---- TODO: add your code here

double day_high=0;
double day_low=0;
double yesterday_open=0;
double today_open=0;
double cur_day=0;
double prev_day=0;

int cnt=720;//<<<<<----why 720 ????????--------------------------------------------------

//---- exit if period is greater than 4 hr charts
if(Period() > 240)
Print("Error - Chart period is greater than 4 hr.");
return(-1); // then exit

//---- Get new daily prices & calculate pivots

//---- Get new daily prices & calculate pivots

while (cnt!= 0)
        cur_day = TimeDay(Time[cnt]- (GMTshift*3600));
        if (prev_day != cur_day)
                yesterday_high = day_high;
                yesterday_low = day_low;

                day_high = High[cnt];
                day_low  = Low[cnt];

                prev_day = cur_day;
   if (High[cnt]>day_high)
      day_high = High[cnt];
   if (Low[cnt]<day_low)
      day_low = Low[cnt];


S1 = yesterday_low;
R1 = yesterday_high;

LabelShiftTime = Time[LabelShift];
LineShiftTime = Time[LineShift];
//---- Set line labels on chart window

      DisplayLabel("R1 label", "R1", R1, StandardFontSize, StandardFontColor);
      DisplayLabel("S1 label", "S1", S1, StandardFontSize, StandardFontColor);

//---  Draw  Pivot lines on chart

      DisplayLine("S1 line", S1, 0, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT, SupportColor);
      DisplayLine("R1 line", R1, 0, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT, ResistanceColor);
//---- done
   // Now check for Alert
   if (Alerts) DoAlerts();
//---- Set line labels on chart window
void DisplayLabel(string LabelName, string LabelText, double LabelPos, int LabelFontSize, color LabelColor)
      if(ObjectFind(LabelName) != 0)
        ObjectCreate(LabelName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, LabelPos);
        ObjectSetText(LabelName, LabelText, LabelFontSize, "Arial", LabelColor);
        ObjectMove(LabelName, 0, LabelShiftTime, LabelPos);

//---  Draw  Pivot lines on chart
void DisplayLine(string LineName, double LinePos, int LineWidth, int LineStyle, color LineColor)
      if(ObjectFind(LineName) != 0)
      ObjectCreate(LineName, OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, LinePos);
      ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
      ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor);
      if (LineWidth > 0) ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, LineWidth);
      ObjectMove(LineName, 0, LineShiftTime, LinePos);

 thanks a loot  in advance.

  1. int deinit()
    //---- TODO: add your code here
    ObjectDelete("R1 Label"); 
    ObjectDelete("R1 Line");
    ObjectDelete("S1 Label");
    ObjectDelete("S1 Line");
      } <================== This is the last line of deinit. SetPoint is NOT called in deinit.
    double SetPoint(string mySymbol)//  <<<<<<<-----why here on the  deinit?????----------------

  2. int cnt=720;//<<<<<----why 720 ????????
    Arbitrary look back amount. 6 days on H1
Those are functions. The De-Init ended before your first question. I recommend the Book.

  1. Arbitrary look back amount. 6 days on H1

but  it is drawing  only the last day.



Those are functions. The De-Init ended before your first question. I recommend the Book.

just noticed thanks.

but  it is drawing  only the last day.



may by  5 weeks on h1 ?