Solapar graficos


Con el Metatrader se pueden solapar dos gráficos de dos valores diferentes? Dicese BBVA y Santander y dividir el uno por el otro? Que aparezca todo el la misma pantalla pero por separado:










With Metatrader two graphs can overlap two different values? It is said BBVA and Santander and divide one by the other? Bring up all the same screen but separately:

This is an English Forum,  please post your question in English.



I'd like to know also same questions as the guy who wrote in spanish that is.....if it's suitable metatrader for show 2charts from 2assets in the same screen??? you know for compare which it was the evolution of this 2assets



mrmanucadiz: show 2charts from 2assets in the same screen???

You can have as many charts as you want.


Seems doen's understand my questions....that wasn't what i meant

what i really want, is to see two assets or two charts on the same screen, not separately!!!!

it's likely common for arbitrage trading and detect opposed evolutions on two assets like Apple versus Samsung or Apple versus google for example

if i havent been enough cleared due to my poor english, i let posted here an image showing what i want with an example of two charts on same screen by yahoo finance

thank you very much for all answers done and for hoping news incomes!!! ;) happy trading everbody :) 

example from yahoo finance 

mrmanucadiz: what i really want, is to see two assets or two charts on the same screen, not separately!!!!
Then you'll have to write an indicator. And since the exchange rates vary, they won't overlay. USDJPY is at 99 and EURUSD is at 1.3.
I've seen a few indicators that do that. I tried one..  think it was called correllation IND... but, google it like i did