Dividing two numbers


I think I am overlooking something patently obvious here

    myVal = GlobalVariableGet(Symbol()+"_ADR_R5"); 
    double ratio;
    ratio = myVal/totalR;
    logInfo(FULL, "getVars", "myVal = "+myVal+"  totalR = "+totalR+"  ratio = "+DoubleToStr(ratio, 2));

The results of the print out statement (logInfo) return 130 for myVal, 288 for totalR, and ZERO for ratio

Why???? ratio is declared as a double


So it looks like MQ4 assumes you are doing integer arithmetic if all the values in an expression are integers, even if the variable the result is being stored in is a double. DUH. Better times 1.0 then (myVal * 1.0 / totalR).


I think I am overlooking something patently obvious here

The results of the print out statement (logInfo) return 130 for myVal, 288 for totalR, and ZERO for ratio

Why???? ratio is declared as a double


So it looks like MQ4 assumes you are doing integer arithmetic if all the values in an expression are integers, even if the variable the result is being stored in is a double. DUH. Better times 1.0 then (myVal * 1.0 / totalR).

What you are overlooking something patently obvious was that you didn't tell us what type myVal, and totalIR and the values assigned to them.

It's type casting https://docs.mql4.com/basis/types/casting , been asked too many times in forum https://www.mql4.com/search#!keyword=typecasting&module=mql4_module_forum&page=1 

The results of the print out statement (logInfo) return 130 for myVal, 288 for totalR, and ZERO for ratio
Why???? ratio is declared as a double

130/288 = zero. Thus ratio = Double(0) = 0.0

On MT4 v434, division quotient don't give floating point values(Bug??) - MQL4 forum

Thank you and thank you, I was not aware.  Now I know why (and perhaps more importantly, to search a little harder for the answer beforehand)