Marketinfo returns only 4 digits


Can anyone comment on why marketinfo(symbol,MODE_BID) or MODE_ASK only returns a 4 digit quote for five digit brokers?

The three digit instruments return 3 digits...however the 5 digit instruments only return 4 digits...

Any help?...I'm having the same result with 6 different brokers...


Show the code for the comment/alert/print.



Show the code for the comment/alert/print.


This is how i get the data...

and it prints to the Experts console as 1.3076 1.3078...etc.  using a five digit broker...the price quoted using bid...has five digits.


MarketInfor returns a double. I N F I N I T E  D I G I T S.

RTFM on Print. Next time use this


MarketInfor returns a double. I N F I N I T E  D I G I T S.

RTFM on Print

Thanks WHRoeder....That is obviously it...Solved!