How to Get ASK and BID prices for 5 || 3 digits


Hi, I need help to get Ask and Bid prices for 5 digits broker.

double vbid = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID);

double vask = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK);

This code return just the 0.0000 value, but my rates are at 5 digits. Please help.
  1. Digits are irrelevant. Floating point has infinite digits.
  2. MI or the predefined variables Bid/Ask

  3. Don't try to use any price or server related functions in OnInit (or on load,) as there may be no connection/chart yet:
    1. Terminal starts.
    2. Indicators/EAs are loaded. Static and globally declared variables are initialized. (Do not depend on a specific order.)
    3. OnInit is called.
    4. For indicators OnCalculate is called with any existing history.
    5. Human may have to enter password, connection to server begins.
    6. New history is received, OnCalculate called again.
    7. New tick is received, OnCalculate/OnTick is called. Now TickValue, TimeCurrent and prices are valid.