ISP email sending block

My EA sends email notifying me that the trade is still open. If EA sends too many emails then my ISP normally blocks the emails. any solution?
My EA sends email notifying me that the trade is still open. If EA sends too many emails then my ISP normally blocks the emails. any solution?

A few options . . .

  • Get a different ISP
  • Get a separate email host
  • Don't send lots of emails


A few options . . .

  • Get a different ISP
  • Get a separate email host
  • Don't send lots of emails

Thank you for your inputs. Just one question came into my mind: How could I tell the EA to send me email when the total open trade loss amount reaches the interval of -25 to -35. That is, I want the EA to send me the email only if the total negative profit ( loss ) for the open trade reaches the interval between -25 to -35.
Thank you for your inputs. Just one question came into my mind: How could I tell the EA to send me email when the total open trade loss amount reaches the interval of -25 to -35. That is, I want the EA to send me the email only if the total negative profit ( loss ) for the open trade reaches the interval between -25 to -35.

Loop . . .


if OrderProfit() < Figure

Send email

end of loop

If you have multiple order you just go to each Open order in the loop and keep a running total of the profit . . . then outside the loop check if it is lower than the figure you had in mind . . . you will also need to keep track that you have sent the email once and not send it again . . maybe you can build a delay in so you don't send the same email again for an hour or two . . .


Loop . . .


if OrderProfit() < Figure

Send email

end of loop

If you have multiple order you just go to each Open order in the loop and keep a running total of the profit . . . then outside the loop check if it is lower than the figure you had in mind . . . you will also need to keep track that you have sent the email once and not send it again . . maybe you can build a delay in so you don't send the same email again for an hour or two . . .

OK. Thank you, however, would orderprofit() function show the current profit/loss amount of an open position?
OK. Thank you, however, would orderprofit() function show the current profit/loss amount of an open position?

Did you read the Documentation for OrderProfit() ? it says . . .

"Returns the net profit value (without swaps or commissions) for the selected order. For open positions, it is the current unrealized profit. For closed orders, it is the fixed profit. "