Moving average lines all grey.... what am I doing wrong?

New to MT4. Trying to set up my system. I want to add two moving average lines, one at 10 and one at 5. I have set the 10 to Red and the 5 to Yellow, but both display as grey lines, making it almost impossible to distinguish between them on the chart. All my other lines display in the correct colour. Anyone able to help or cast (coloured) light on the problem?
New to MT4. Trying to set up my system. I want to add two moving average lines, one at 10 and one at 5. I have set the 10 to Red and the 5 to Yellow, but both display as grey lines, making it almost impossible to distinguish between them on the chart. All my other lines display in the correct colour. Anyone able to help or cast (coloured) light on the problem?

Make sure using "Tab" key and not mouse click when moving from one input field to another. Some MT has nasty behavior changing input value back to before :(

Thanks. Although that didn't do it, it gave me the idea to re-install, and re-installing MT4 appears to have corrected the problem for now....
Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7