Object Visibility not behaving normally


Hi, embarrassed to ask such a basic question, but can't work out what I have changed to cause the problem.

I have a template that I have been using for many months.

Have varied indicators, added and removed objects (lines, trendlines etc)

All has worked well until today when the objects started disappearing every time I changed chart period (1min to 15 min to 30 min etc)

I checked the box on the objects to show on all time frames

I made sure that the object, say a trend line was complete and not active.

Is there a setting somewhere else in MT4 that results in this behaviour, or is it just possible for a template to become corrupted.

Sure I can create another template, but unfortunately I am one of these people who want to know "Why" so I can avoid doing it again

any help appreciated, thanks David


Hi David,

When objects (e.g. lines, trendlines) are added to a chart on one time frame, they may not appear in the same positions (or at all) on another time frame.

When you move from e.g. an hourly chart with objects to a four hour chart and back to the hourly, are the object re-written?




Hi, embarrassed to ask such a basic question, but can't work out what I have changed to cause the problem.

I have a template that I have been using for many months.

Have varied indicators, added and removed objects (lines, trendlines etc)

All has worked well until today when the objects started disappearing every time I changed chart period (1min to 15 min to 30 min etc)

If it's simply a timeframe issue changing back to the original timeframe will restore the Objects . . . if it doesn't then you have an issue with your code. To diagnose that properly we will probably need to see some/all of your code. Maybe you are removing Objects in your deinit ?